India China Row Spills Over to IPL 2020

Relations with China have have sunk to a new low with ViVo, the main IPL sponsor threatening to pull out of this years competition.

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text][/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Just when you thought this year could not get any more crazy, we have just received news that Vivo has pulled out as the title sponsor of the IPL 2020. Fans were delighted to hear that despite the pandemic, an agreement had been reached where the tournament would be held in UAE. Yes, us fans would be unable to support our favourite teams on their home ground but at least we would get to see the eight IPL teams duke it out abroad.

However now we have to contend with ViVo not being part of the IPL journey anymore. This update comes after BCCI had confirmed that all sponsors were being retained for this years event. Such was not the case for Vivo who have pulled out of the event in light of the violent clashes between Indian and Chinese troops in Ladakh in June. This is a big blow on the tournament that is already feeling the financial effects of not being able to run the tournament on time.

To put things into perspective, Vivo is the league’s title sponsor having paid $330 million for a five-year deal up to 2022. To be fair there was very little that Vivo could do to hold onto the sponsorship. The violent clashes between the two armies had caused an uproar in India. The Confederation of All India Traders which has a membership of 70 million small business owners had demanded the government to block this years tournament.

Swadeshi Jagran Manch (SJM), the cultural arm of the influential Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) had the following to say “We want to urge the IPL organisers to reconsider their stand on sponsorship by Chinese companies. Please remember the nation’s pride and security above all,”

SJM demanded a boycott of the tournament until the sponsor had been dropped. On the other side of the border, China is certainly feeling the heat from the various actions being taken by the Indian government. In the midst of the pandemic, the Indian government announced to ban 50 + Chinese apps including the highly popular Tik Tok.



