Indian cricket team complain about conditions in Brisbane

Indian cricket team complain about conditions in Brisbane ahead of the test match against Australia. Has the cricket team been over reacting?

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Indian cricket team complain about conditions in Brisbane

COVID 19 continues to impact the cricket world in all aspects. Australia which to date has been one of the best countries in the world for handling the global pandemic, has imposed strict rules on the arrival of the Indian cricket team.

The BCCI, who are the governing body for cricket in India, have been involved in helping resolve issues in Australia for its Indian players.

The main concerns have been around the accommodation and facilities being provided to the players in Brisbane. Ahead of the test match with Australia the Indian players have been put into quarantine in a hotel in Brisbane. The expectations of the players on what was going to be made available to them was not what they had hoped. The gym is believed to be below standard, the swimming pool and restaurants closed and no room service was is available.

Although Cricket Australia booked out the entire hotel for the team, they have still been very strict on what the players have access to in order to protect the people of Australia.

The Indian team have been able to train at Gabba and make full use of the communcal areas in the hotel however this is believed not to be satisfactory.

The conditions have been quoted as ‘prison like’ by an unnamed source within the camp.

What is your opinion of this? Should the team be given access to better facilities and services or has the government and CA correctly put the interests of the Australian public first.

Let me know your thoughts!