Cricket Betting, Online Gambling to be banned in Karnataka

Home minister Araga Jnanendra adamant on implementing law that bans cricket betting and online gambling in Karnataka.

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New legislation passed in Karnataka aims to strengthen the Karnataka Police Act. Under this new bill, online cricket betting and gambling will be deemed as a non-bailable offence. Home minister Araga Jnanendra is keen on passing this bill to curb the use of cricket betting apps that have sprung up in India.

The amended law will cover all forms of betting or wagering connected with games of chance. Horse races and lotteries will be exempt from this new law. The new law also deems betting on the skills of others in the category of gambling or any act of risking money on the unknown result of an event will be deemed as an offence as well.

What are the punishments for gambling under the amended law?

As expected the punishment under the new law will be more severe for those that are caught in the act. Owners of gambling dens will be punished upto 3 years in prison (up from one year) and fined Rs 1 lakh compared to Rs1000 from before. For aiding or abetting gambling, the punishment has been bumped up to six months imprisonment and a Rs 10,000 fine.

Those caught in the act for the first time will be given a six months prison sentence and a fine of Rs10,000. Those unfortunate to be caught a second time will face upto one year in prison and a fine of Rs15,000. If third time is definitely not the charm for you then you will be handed an 18 month sentence along with a fine of Rs20,000.